On the other hand, I
see a Church in crisis that needs a strong Pope who can clean up the mess and
put a positive face on the Church and its teachings. I don’t blame the Holy Father for the mess; I
just don’t think he has the qualities necessary to fix it. If I had a third hand, I’d add that the Pope
looks tired. He needs a rest and deserves
it. I feel like it’s time for a change.
But most of all, I feel grateful: grateful that the Holy Father accepted his
election as Supreme Pontiff when he really just wanted to retire and go home to
Germany; grateful for his service to the Church and for the opportunity to get
to know him through his writings and teachings; and grateful that he knew when
to hand the keys to another man.
Benedict’s renunciation of the See of Peter is an incredible
act of humility. We don’t see many
examples in history of the mighty relinquishing their power voluntarily. This act of humility is known in the world of
theology as kenosis, self-emptying. Paradoxically, kenosis is a tremendously powerful
act. By emptying himself of earthly
power, Pope Benedict is opening himself even further to the grace of God. In his weakness, he becomes strong. And the life of prayer that he's taking on
will be incredibly powerful because of his new-found ability to dedicate
himself completely to God. And that’s
exactly what the Church needs from him. So
I am also grateful for his remarkable act of humility and for his prayers.