are amazing animals. They’ve adapted
themselves over millennia to be uniquely attuned to human behavior, rightfully
taking their place in the human heart as man’s best friend. Dogs can be found side-by-side with their
human partners as herders, hunters, protectors, therapists, guides and, of
course, companions. In my opinion, no
domestic animal (and I’ve had them all) is as smart, loyal, loving and forgiving
as canis familiaris.
amazes me most about dogs is their ability to live in the moment. Dogs aren’t affected by time; they don’t fret
about yesterday or worry about tomorrow.
Dogs don’t pass their days pining away for us to come home, but they’re thrilled as soon as we cross the threshold. Dogs don’t worry
about where and when their next meal will come from, but they’ll nearly knock us
the floor in unbridled enthusiasm as we prepare their supper bowl. Dogs live in the now.
a lot to be learned from a dog’s “live in the now” kind of attitude – it’s very
eternal. Eternity is the ever-present “now”
– there’s no past to fret about or future to worry about. There’s just now. We say that only God is eternal because only
God is not bound by time; he always has been and always will be. Now just imagine an ever-present, everlasting
life of pure love, peace and happiness. Sounds,
pretty good, doesn’t it? Well, that’s what
it’s like to be God. And out of his boundless
love, God offers every one of us a share of his eternal life right now; he
invites each us to live in his love, peace and happiness now and forever.
It isn’t easy to live always in the
now. There are bills to pay, mouths to
feed and futures to plan. But God isn’t
calling us to abandon these responsibilities; he’s inviting us into his eternal
life of love, peace and happiness so we won’t worry about them, so we’ll let
the past go and deal with the future as it comes. “Look at the birds in the sky; they do not
sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds
them. Are not you more important than
they?” (Matthew 6:26)