you’re like me, you may have spent some time over the past week watching Robin
Williams videos. Perhaps you laughed along
with me at the clip of his first appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny
Carson, where Robin jumps from his chair to mimic a trained seal at the sight
of the microphone dangling over his head.
Maybe you were moved by the touching video of Robin Williams tickling Koko,
the gorilla who speaks in sign language, or you laughed out loud at his bawdy stand-up
routine recalling the experience of having a 300 pound gorilla “interested” in
him. How about the poignant “Your just a
kid” scene from Good Will Hunting,
the inspiring “O Captain, My Captain” scene from Dead Poets Society or a rousing “Good Morning Vietnam” sound bite? Let’s face it, to say that Robin Williams had
talent is a gross understatement. He had
a quick mind and a quick wit; comedic timing and dramatic gravitas: and, as we
all know, Robin Williams was funny. Damn
funny! Robin Williams made a lot of
people, including me, very happy.

So rather than trying to figure him
out, I’ll simply appreciate his life and his work. I’ll marvel at his lightning-fast mind and
his wicked sense of humor. I’ll be
grateful for the attention he brought to homelessness and many other important
causes. But most of all, I’ll respect
and admire his incredible courage – the courage to stand up in front of
millions of people, confronting whatever sadness he may have been facing, to
make us happy.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon
Lovely Mike, just lovely. - Kelly