Grace is the free and undeserved gift
of God’s love that is constantly and eternally poured out for each and every
one of us. As Sister Kathleen Flanagan,
S.C. so aptly puts it, “grace is a share in God’s divine life.” So when I talk about “moments of grace,” I’m not
suggesting that there are times when God sends forth his grace upon us and times
when he doesn't. I’m talking
about the times when we recognize that a particular moment is an act of God’s grace;
the times we plug into God’s ever-present grace, acknowledge it and appreciate
it for the free gift that it is:
+ Seeing a beautiful sunset and
knowing with every ounce of conviction that God made it just for you;
+ Choking up at the sound of your
favorite hymn that God seems to send your way whenever you need it most;
+ Holding your newborn baby that
you never knew you could love so much and realizing that God has entrusted you
with the awesome gift of life.
These moments of grace are always out there for the taking;
we just have to notice them and enjoy them.
fact, just today I've experienced several moments of grace. When I took a hard fall early this morning, three
parishioners rushed to my side to make sure I was OK, helped me up and carried
my belongings into the rectory. Following
Mass, another parishioner gave me a huge bear hug and told me that it was great
to see me. Then, two dear friends
thanked me and told me that they loved me after I had the great privilege of baptizing
their newborn son. To top it off, I
spent quality time talking and laughing with my daughters as I taught them how to
make spaghetti with meat sauce. In each instance, I knew with all my heart that God’s love was in and
around me, shaping these moments into precious gifts of grace.
So why
so many moments of grace in one day?
Well, as I said, grace is offered to us constantly; we just have to take
the time to notice it. So the real
question is why did I notice so many moments of grace in one day? Well, that’s because I had experienced an incredible,
unexpected moment of grace the night before, which finally brings me to the
sleepover birthday party.
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