see, I've always considered myself pretty boring, and those that know me well have assured me of that on countless occasions.
I’m pretty comfortable in my own skin though, so I don’t mind being
boring – no need to post comforting comments telling me that I’m not boring: I’m OK with it, and I’m not on a fishing expedition
for compliments. That said, while I’ll
leave the judgment to others as to whether I’m a loser (no comments please),
and I don’t think I’m a drunk (please do comment if you think I am, as I must
be in denial), I was kind of excited to be lumped into the category of fanatics
who lack centrist sensibilities just for writing a blog. Little did I know that I was such a radical.
there are two possibilities for what’s going on here. Either I completely lack any hint of self-awareness,
or this reporter had a bad day and made a broad generalization about bloggers
that doesn't hold true for all. Heaven
forfend! As for the first possibility,
while I may not be as boring as I think, I’m pretty sure that I’m not a fanatic
because I don’t generate the visceral comments that the more fanatical among us
bloggers invite. For the same reason, I
don’t think I’m wholly deficient in
centrist sensibilities. I’ll add that I try
hard to express centrist views in my blog in an effort to avoid offending
people and to avoid generating the visceral comments that the less centrist
among us bloggers invite.
You are the best sober boring man I know! Next to my awesome husband if course!!!