Our readings today speak of vocations. Saint Peter reminds us that we’re “a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation . . . so that [we] may announce the praises of him
who called [us] out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9). In our Gospel, Jesus calls us to action,
proclaiming that “whoever believes in me will do the works that I do and will
do greater ones than these.” (John 14:
12) And we’re given a wonderful example
of the communal discernment of vocations in our first reading where, “[f]aced
with the inability to care adequately for all the people, ‘the twelve,’ . . .
put their trust in the discernment of the entire community to resolve their
problem.”[1] It’s kind of funny that their solution was
deacons. Most think we’re the problem!
We all have a vocation –
sometimes many. The Catechism tells us
that our vocation is the “calling or destiny we have in this life and hereafter”
and that “the fulfillment if this vocation is eternal happiness.”[2] While our occupation may be our vocation,
there is a difference: an occupation is
what we do; a vocation is who we are – it’s deeper; it’s spiritual. In the Christian context, we receive our
vocation at baptism, where we are imprinted with Christ’s indelible spiritual character
and take on his mission as priest, prophet and king. You could say that “[w]e share in the
priesthood and kingship of Jesus through the grace of our Baptism.”
this whole vocation thing may sound like a pretty tall order, and it is, but
rest assured that God has given us all we need to carry out our vocations. The divine empowerment that Jesus himself
received from God is available to all who believe in him. That’s’ why Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel
that those who believe in him will accomplish even greater things.[3] It’s a matter of trust. “The Gospel tells us that Christ gave his life
for us and has entrusted us with his mission.
In turn, he asks for our trust so that as we take on his mission, we
will bring it to fruition in new and greater ways.”[4] God will give us all we need to fulfill our vocation,
and then some, if only we heed the words of the Psalmist: “Lord let your mercy be upon us as we place
our trust in you.” (Psalm 33: 22)
one of us is called, and each one of us is empowered with the gifts to fulfill
our calling. In the words of Blessed
John Henry Newman, “God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed
some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission.[5]” God created each one of us to play a unique role in his great plan. It’s up to us, then, to listen for the inspiration
of the Holy Spirit, to consider the promptings of our community and to discern
our calling in every moment of our lives.
Some may be called to specific vocations like mothers (Happy Mother’s
Day, by the way!), fathers, priests, deacons or religious; others may be called
to specialized fields of service, like social work or healthcare; and others still
may be called to stand up for what’s right when no one else will. We may be called to continue doing what we’re
already doing. We may be called to think
outside of the box, to change things up, or to go in a new direction. People are starving, sick, lonely, confused
and desperate. There’s no shortage of ways
to be priest, prophet and king. We just
have to listen for our calling, trust Jesus, and follow him.
Readings: Acts 6: 1-7; Psalm 33: 1-2, 4-5, 18-19; 1 Peter 2: 4-9; John 14: 1-12
Mary M. McGlone, “Anything is
Possible,” National Catholic Reporter,
vol. 53, no.15 (May 5-18, 2017) at 23.
Catechism of the Catholic Church,
Scott M. Lewis, “The Gospel
According to John,” New Collegeville
Bible Commentary: New Testament,
Daniel Durken, ed. (Collegeville, Liturgical Press, 2009) at 348.
John Henry Cardinal Newman, “Meditations on Christian Doctrine, Hope in God –
Creator,” Meditations and Devotions (March
7, 1848) (emphasis added).
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