Monday, November 18, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Last week I had the privilege of visiting the 5th Grade Religion classes at Immaculate Conception School for a Question & Answer session.  I was really impressed with the breadth and depth of the questions the kids asked me and how spiritual and thoughtful they are.  At 11 years old, they’re already yearning for a clearer understanding of our God and his ways, asking many of the same questions we ask as adults.  I’d like to share some of their questions with you:

+ If Jesus was Jewish, why aren't we?

+ Is heaven different for each person or the same for everyone?

+ How long does it take to get to heaven after we die?

+ How many miracles did Jesus perform?

+ Do animals go to heaven?

+ If being a Christian was illegal in the Roman times, why is it legal now?

+ Where is heaven? Where is hell?

+ When Jesus died, why did he descend into hell?

+ Are stories like Heaven is for Real real?

+ Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

Pretty good questions, huh?  How would you answer?

1 comment:

  1. Huh?
    It depends
    What......not enough for you?
    If they are well behaved.....
    I blame the French
    Demanding Father
    I guess it depends on if the story is true. What do you think?
    Yes ...but THEY cut the cord


God is listening . . . comment accordingly.